Leaning Rock / Leaning Lena

"At the heart of every legend there is a grain of truth." ~ Michael Scott
Leaning Rock
There is a large rock formation that leans over Clear Creek Road. This formation is well known and has been photographed for years. Doing research on Clear Creek Metro Park we have come across countless photos. Several dating back from the early 1900s.
The large boulder has several names. It is known as Leaning Rock, Leaning Lena, and Witches Rock.
The Urban Legend
Clear Creek Metro Park and the surrounding areas are full of urban legends. And Witches Rock doesn’t disappoint. Legend has it that witches gather in an area close by to perform their rituals. It is believed that they are most active on Halloween.
If you drive by Leaning Rock and see sticks propped up against it, keep driving. It is believed that witches place the sticks under the rock to let their coven know that they are there. They are also to warn passersby to go on their way. Don’t stop and knock the sticks over! And whatever you do, don’t take one of the sticks with you. If you do, you will be cursed.
Keeping the Legend Alive
Some people strongly believe in legends. While others take them as a joke. When I arrived at Witches Rock, there were no sticks propped against the boulder. However, as I was along the road trying to get a different view of the rock a pickup truck stopped. They probably didn’t notice me since I had to be dropped off. There isn’t any good, safe place to park near Leaning Lena. A man was driving the truck. And a woman and young boy jumped out. They scurried trying to get the sticks propped up against the rock before another vehicle came. They succeeded and headed on their way before anyone else drove by.
Other Legends in the Area
Clear Creek Metro Park
Clear Creek Metro Park is a beautiful park that has something for everyone. From flat trails, rugged trails to fishing and picnicking. The area is breathtaking and contains prairies as well as thick forests.
The park is located in both Fairfield and Hocking County. It consists of 5300 acres. 4769 of these acres are the Allen F. Beck State Nature Preserve. It is home to over 2200 species of plants and animals.
Clear Creek Metro Park is known for its amazing birding. According to eBird there have been over 170 species of bird spotted at the park. With 20 of these being breeding warblers.
What You Can Expect at Leaning Rock / Witches Rock / Leaning Lena
Please note that trail rules and regulations can change at any time. The following information was in effect for Clear Creek Metro Park as of July 2020.

There are bathrooms located at the Clear Creek Metro Park parking lots.

Bicycles are permitted on Clear Creek Road. However, bikes are not permitted on the trails.

There is no place to stop at Leaning Rock. However, Clear Creek Metro Park has amazing birding.

No bridges at Leaning Rock.

Concealed carry is permitted.

It is not safe to have your pets at Leaning Rock. There is no parking area.

No Trail.

No parking lot.

No picnic tables.

No playground.

No benches.

There is shade, but no place to stop and check out the large boulder.

No shelter house.

No trail.